Your horoscope means nothing
Astrology is a pseudoscience; it shouldn’t be taken so seriously.
The 12 zodiacs of the horoscope wheel.
When people ask me what my star sign is I’m hesitant because I’ve met people who have immediately judged me based on the fact that I’m an Aquarius. They tell me that “we’ll get along great,” or that they “don’t have many Aquarius friends.” It irks me when this happens because it has no scientific backing. Given the fact that astrology is a pseudoscience, there’s no reason to judge me by my astrological sign.
According to HowStuffWorks, Astrology is “the study of the influence that distant cosmic objects, usually stars and planets, have on human lives.” Within astrology, there are twelve signs that people fall into based on when they were born: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. These signs are often used to categorize or predict peoples’ futures and personalities.
Many people use astrological signs to determine their sense of self. They put their sign in their Instagram biographies and buddy up with those that share the same sign. They spend time reading their “weekly horoscopes” that deliver their astrological predictions for the week. The more they read about their sign, the more they try to mold themselves into it.
Oftentimes, I’ve found that many of these predictions and statements are extremely general or contradictory, like fortune cookies. With these generalized statements, it’s easier for people to relate and feel connected to their signs. It seems as though there isn’t a firm classification for the signs, either. For example, pegs Aquarians as either “cold and emotionally detached, or extremely emotional.” What the heck?
One of the reasons many people choose to believe in zodiac signs is to find a sense of connection. When people label themselves, they feel like they belong. Another less respectable reason is that people blame their astrological sign for their negative traits. If a Scorpio is acting jealous, they can blame it on their sign instead of working to fix their negative behaviors.
People that judge others and themselves based on astrology are limiting themselves to what the Internet has told them. While I do believe that astrology can be fun and interesting to discuss with friends, I get annoyed when people decide who I am based on something that isn’t factual or when they blame negative behavior on this pseudoscience. According to ZME Science, there is no scientific evidence that proves that the month you were born has any indication of your personality.
Astrology shouldn’t be taken to heart. We should create our own sense of self and future instead of following what pseudoscience tells us to be.
Sigandur Chowdeshwari Astrologer • Feb 26, 2025 at 11:35 pm
This article presents a thought-provoking perspective on horoscopes, challenging their validity with a logical approach. It encourages readers to question astrological beliefs while considering alternative viewpoints.
Sigandur Chowdeshwari Astrologer • Feb 20, 2025 at 11:32 pm
Astrology has been a topic of debate for centuries, with some viewing it as a guiding force while others remain skeptical. This article presents a critical perspective on horoscopes, questioning their accuracy and influence on daily life. Regardless of belief, astrology continues to be a source of fascination and self-reflection for many.
Sigandur Chowdeshwari Astrologer • Feb 13, 2025 at 11:39 pm
Astrology has been a guiding force for centuries, offering insights into personality traits, relationships, and life’s challenges. While some may view horoscopes skeptically, many find comfort and meaning in the wisdom of the stars. The influence of celestial bodies on human life is a concept deeply rooted in history and culture, making astrology a valuable tool for self-reflection and guidance.
Sigandur Chowdeshwari Astrologer • Feb 11, 2025 at 12:53 am
Astrology has guided people for centuries, offering insights into personality, relationships, and life paths. While some may dismiss it, many find comfort and clarity in cosmic alignments. Understanding astrology can provide a deeper connection to oneself and the universe. For expert astrological insights,
Jessica • Sep 21, 2024 at 4:41 pm
visual Kei musician キズ ユエ Kizu Yue and the artist Layla Vladi? Their relationship is so wild to me
Kizu Yue
Birthday: January 25th 1990
Blood group: B
Birthplace: Japan
Layla Vladi
Birthday: October 17th 1997
Birthplace: Lübeck, Germany
Lisa • Mar 23, 2024 at 12:27 am
I study astrology in depth and have been for some time and I partly agree. Astrology is so vastly used nowadays by many people that aren’t too knowledgeable about anything other than basic things and refuse to actually learn more before they unknowingly or not,ruin it for other users or make them opposed to future ideas of learning. It’s already a topic you have to kind of tip toe around with friends etc,unless they’re like minded. Especially if you are interested in someone and don’t wnat them thinking you’re crazy. Then we have those people who base each individual personality on just a sun sign alone.. when it is actually way more than that. I’m going on six years of studying and I am only scratching the surface. It is quite extensive and it’s been spot on for me. For 25 years,I’ve dissected many religions because I wanted something to believe. Astrology is the only one that truly speaks to me on a gut level and everything makes sense, more so than I thought it would. It’s like a walkthrough for life and If I’m honest,who needs scientific proof that something works as long as it makes you happy and content?
Haeile • May 28, 2022 at 3:12 am
First thing I noticed is you mentioned science and then went on to go on a sentimental rampage with no real scientific feasibility except your own lack of it.
Secondly, you might not realize it because of the accomplishments of science but when it comes to basics and fundamentals science is at most useless. Do you know science still can’t tell you what life is!
So instead drawing conclusions out of personal sentiment, let’s accept there are elements we can never hope to ascertain through science as it is now and that it doesn’t mean they are not real. Two things can be correct at once
Anoop • Feb 17, 2022 at 2:01 am
I can not agree. I am using the services of Even it is not 100% accurate. Most of the things explained in it were true
N • Aug 16, 2021 at 3:46 am
I think its really dumb when people judge people on zodiac signs, but also i want to say is that sun sign astrology is not astrology, its pop astrology. People dont realize that people have a whole birth chart in regards to their personality and not just one sign, like im a Libra, but im also a Gemini moon and i also have Scorpio, and Virgo placements too. Theres sun,rising,moon,mercury,mars,pluto, etc. Astrology isnt just one sign which is why people hate it so much because they were misled. There could be another reason why people dont resonate with one thing. Though this article is for people that dont even care for stuff like it, i think people that do and dont like astrology take it too seriously, i kinda take it as a hobby but im not all ppl.
Alexis • Aug 15, 2021 at 7:41 am
I agree with you and I think it’s dumb that people believe everything they see in the internet and see it as their life. People will judje you based on your zodiac and just see your zodiac, not your real personality. People assume how you act and compare it to your zodiac and will expect you to act like your zodiac and will then treat you differently depending on what zodiac you have. I agree with you and this should get shared with everyone.
Marty • Jul 19, 2021 at 6:09 pm
What does God say about this ? practice?or nancromanners,ignore it. Yes I read it, but take it like reading a comic book, not seriously ?.
Gina • Jul 17, 2021 at 4:15 pm
As a student of astrology-I agree with the writer-about the popular horoscopes you see everywhere. Modern astrology became popular around the ‘70’s and put huge emphasis on a persons sun sign. In actuality, defining someone by just their sun sign is like a doctor just looking in your eyes and no where else- and then declaring you healthy. That’s only one aspect of it. There’s waaaaay more to it. What you all are reading is basically a toy horoscope for lay people. Fun, vague, and not super helpful.
The truth is that Traditional astrology, which monarchs and the successful used for centuries, isn’t that marketable. It’s hard to make something cute and fun when you have to tell someone their Venus is in the 12th house of undoing and imprisonment and their lover is about to leave them, or that their planets are pretty weak. Yup, you heard it right- planets can be WEAK. So if a persons sun was in a position where it has no energy or abilities, a horoscope based on just the sun sign can be just plain wrong at best.
Astrology isn’t “science” per say, but theres DEFINITELY nothing pseudo about the real deal. Astrology is a divinity tool, and a spot on precise one when you actually talk to someone who knows what they’re talking about (and I’m willing to bet most people haven’t). For example, many serious astrologers knew 2020 was gonna be a shit show years and years ago, and many had saved up enough money to ride the whole year out. I didn’t put a whole lot of stock in astrology because I didn’t really know what it was- respectfully, it’s clear the writer doesn’t either. And it’s not their fault, when all that’s out there and in everyone’s faces are “toys”. Now, go get a reading by a REAL , traditional astrologer , and it’ll be a whole other story. Be warned-you may not like everything you hear. But in my case, a huge skeptic till someone showed me the real stuff, even the bad news was welcomed because in a few minutes, it completely opened my eyes to things I’d tried to unravel for years in therapy. Not that therapy isn’t great, it is, but the new insights I had from my birth chart augmented what I was working on perfectly! So I hope people won’t pass up on a hugely helpful tool based on the misinformation that’s out there (often written by people not even trained-you can’t just read a book and know astrology, doesn’t work like that). Cheers!
Denzel • Feb 24, 2021 at 8:27 am
I agree completely with this.
Zodiacs are a character of at least someone. An aries can feel more connected as a gemini or any other zodiac.
I remember when I was born a cancer, I felt connected to it a lot. I still do but I also had a lot of things connected to Scorpio and Pisces. People were saying that Cancers were very kind, I knew I wasn’t exactly kind kind. I am very nurturing but I am not mentally unstable. I don’t lack creativity. I definitely use intuition a lot and rely on my gut but I am not stupid. I’m actually noted to be very smart.
I’m insecure but also very confident. I can be quick tempered but can control my emotions and anger. I’m so annoyed about zodiac and I used to like it because it made me fit in well and it was interesting. But there were many parts of being a cancer that didn’t fit me well and I kept trying to change my self or see this characteristic in myself.
Mira • Feb 3, 2021 at 12:00 pm
I totally agree with you. Astrology signs have absolutely nothing to do with how people act or their personality. And where you said people try to mold themselves into what their star sign says, they honestly are not necessarily destroying themselves but rather making up a fake personality, without realizing it. To me, how people act and their personality would depend (mainly) on their environment they grew up in, and other factors. And yes, it can be fun to discuss star signs however many people tend to blame and judge others and themselves solely based off of their sign. Overall, I strongly agree with this article.
Lori • Nov 2, 2020 at 8:57 am
I do agree with you.
Narissa • Sep 17, 2020 at 10:13 am
Bro, I disagree with EVERYTHING you said! Astrology was real- my future is FULL of happiness and adventures!