Surviving a cliffhanger
I never could have imagined that high school would end like this. It feels like COVID-19 has left 2020 graduates holding our breaths at the edge of a cliffhanger, asking ourselves and the world, “This is seriously how this ends?” To be brutally honest, high school was a bleak, unfulfilling job until the beginning of junior year. I had no friends and was unaccustomed to public school, as I had been...

Tatyiana Davis
My childhood laughably revolved around the iconic, Disney original movie, “High School Musical”. Whether it was singing in the shower or hanging posters on my wall, I often envisioned how my high school experience would be. Nevertheless, life has a knack for unwelcome change. I had to go from my imagined freshman scene, where hands would touch as a boy would help me up in the locker bays, to cr...

Jasanee Killins
I’ve been telling stories since I was little, fresh into the second grade as a matter of fact. At the time, writing was just a hobby. I knew so little about myself and my talents; however, at no point did I ever deny my chemistry with writing and other creative arts. I simply had to see inside myself to tap into it, and it took as long as the later semesters of seventh grade to do so. That was when w...

Ashley Masingale
The Howler has given me the courage and the tools to do something I’ve always been hesitant to do: speak out on issues I believe are important. I shocked myself when I wrote my first editorial. I never knew how to voice what I felt in a way that sounded so good. I’m sad to leave, but I know that because of the experience I’ve had here I will seek to write for or join a part of a similar organ...

Mai Nguyen
I never expected these four years of high school to pass by so quickly. Each year brought new challenges that make everyday worth waking up early for. Looking back, I struggled a lot between pursuing my passion and focusing on school. There was a large gap between me and my parents when it comes to deciding what was best for my future. Time has passed since then. I’m a little older and wiser and I�...
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