Adventure in the world of biotechnology
The Biogon Community Center will be hosting their annual camp for the summer of 2017. This summer camp includes activities that will ensure students have a fun time learning about the world of biotechnology with great talks and labs.
“The biotech summer camp program in North Carolina gives kids who are interested in science the opportunity to explore that even more,” Career and College Advisor Sarah Joyner said. “The program provides great labs and amazing speaker to help the kids learn about science.”
This camp gives students the opportunity to learn more about different fields science including biology, chemistry and physical science.
“I thought this program was a great way to learn more about the biotechnology industry,” applicant Marah Pollard said. “I enjoy learning about biology and animals and can’t wait to to study this fascinating topic.”
Students will have the honor of being given a first person view on the biotech industry.
“When I was reading about this program I thought it was so cool all the amazing labs we would be able to do,” Ray said.
All high school students are eligible to apply for the summer camp and all are welcomed.
“There is not a lot of opportunities for underclassman but this camp gives us a great way to build our resume and show we are being active in the community,” Pollard said.
Many students are excited to start applying for this educational and fun program.
“I really wanted a good program or place where I can learn a lot about biology,” Pollard said. “I also wanted to do it in a fun way because I get bored easily and this program had both of what I need.”
The camp is being funded by the Biogen Community Center, so the students who go to the camp pay nothing to apply or enter.
“I feel like this program being so amazing and so grand it even better knowing we don’t have to pay for anything,” Pollard said. “It really is the best summer camp ever.”
Students will be hearing different speakers from a wide range of departments in the biotech industry.
“I am very excited to get to hear all these amazing speakers that will speak to us in the program,” applicant Asia Ray said. “It’s so cool that they got actual biologist and chemist to speak to us about the biotech industry and prepare us better for when we have the chance to enter the industry.”
Counselors will be hands on the with the students and show students how to expand their minds using their own creativity.
“The lab experiments we do will be way cooler than the ones at school,” finalist Emma Wallace said. “We get the chance to really get into the hardcore experiments and even see explosions.”
This summer camp has opportunities that not just last for the summer but open other opportunities expanding into the biotech world.
“I understand that this is a summer program, but I want a lot from it,” Pollard said. “This program is an opportunity for me to put my foot in the biotechnology world and really make a name for myself and start my career.”
Overall not only do students get to know more about the subject they are infatuated with, but also have the chance to have a great summer.
“I feel like every student should participate in this marvelous opportunity even if you like biology or not,” Ray said. “It’s a great way to have the best summer possible and learn more about our community and our world.”