Spreading benevolence through art

North Hills Artist Creates Murals to Spread Positivity



Photo Courtesy of Stux on pixabay

Reagan Young, Staff Writer

The most amazing thing about art is that it can be used to spread so many different messages. Whether it be the colors they choose or an odd pattern, an artist is able to lighten people’s moods through their pieces.— that’s exactly what this North Carolina artist did.

Jon Leonardo, a mural artist in Raleigh, worked with Verizon  to create the campaign known as “A Call for Kindness.” Its goal is to spread positivity and kindness through art. The website also shows simple, tender acts that you can do to show your appreciation for friends and family, cards you can send, and videos of the artists who created the murals.

In the campaign, a group of 10 local artists in cities like Raleigh created murals with the intention of spreading positivity and making people who pass by smile. It also acts as a reminder to people to choose kindness when they are given the chance to. It’s a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and uplift benevolence.

Art in all forms can impact your mood positively and that’s why many people participate in creating and viewing it. Creativity has been shown to reduce the stress hormone known as cortisol and increase the “happy endorphin” known as dopamine. Bright and warm colors like yellow, orange, pink and red will often make you feel more optimistic.

Leonardo’s mural exhibits a background of black and white lines and shapes, some can be seen as smiles, with red, eye-catching letters with an easy-going saying: “Kindness is Cool” to bring conversations of kindness and generosity to those who pass by.

If you’re looking for a smile, feelings of bliss- or something to take a picture in front of, you can check out the mural at Park Central on the outside wall of the Happy & Hale building in North Hills.