How to celebrate Halloween safely
This year’s pandemic poses some challenges to celebrating Halloween, but with some careful planning, it’s not impossible to still enjoy the season!
Pumpkins and cookies indicate Halloween is near.
Halloween this year is different but everybody still wants to have fun but most of all stay safe. During the Halloween season it is normal to go trick-or-treating, to go to parties, hang out with friends and be with family but this year things are going to have to change.
It’s very important that you stay inside so you come in contact with fewer people. There are many ways to have fun while being safe indoors like carving pumpkins, baking desserts, watching scary movies and more.
If you decide you are going out to trick or treat make sure you wear a costume that is COVID friendly, meaning it covers your mouth and nose. In replace of a traditional mask many costumes come with matching masks like a superhero or ninja.
“Cloth masks are particularly important, given that Halloween can often involve people yelling “Trick or treat!” or screaming at jump-scares in movies or haunted house attractions,” said the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
After trick-or-treating make sure to sanitize your candy. You don’t know how many people have touched it. The CDC also said it would be safe to let your candy sit for 72 hours so there are fewer bacteria.
One of the most popular haunted house attractions, Panic Point, has many new rules and is taking many precautions. Including ticket purchasing online-only, all staff and patrons are required to wear a face-covering and sanitizer will be readily available at lines and in the midway. Panic point is also only letting 25% of their capacity so it would be harder to be in contact with people.
Before thinking about going out, think about people who will be affected by COVID including your grandparents and babies in the family. Most importantly don’t forget to be creative and have fun!
Comment down below with your Covid-safe costume idea!