ROTC program offers opportunities to students

ROTC participants serve our country and honor the symbolism of the flag.
The ROTC program is different from just any another program. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to college and have the college experience, yet be guaranteed a spot in the military. Not only is it a spot in the military, but is also a spot as an officer in charge of the enlisted positions. Unlike JROTC, ROTC takes place after high school and is a college program.
Cooper Johnston, a senior at Wakefield High school, expressed how ROTC is a great opportunity.
“I believe it is a great opportunity for students to learn about the military and express themselves,” Johnston said. “It is a great way to learn about the different activities that the military has to offer.”
Sarah Joyner, Career Development Counselor at Wakefield High school, talked about what ROTC is and what this program has to offer.
“In the military there are enlisted positions and there are officers. The officers are paid significantly more, they all have 4-year degrees, and they are essentially in charge of the enlisted people,” Joyner said. “If you want to be an officer in the military then you can go through the ROTC program, which means you start your freshman year and you are basically a part of that team and then when you graduate you are commissioned.”
Joyner also has a family connection with the ROTC program.
“My cousin is actually a senior at Ohio State and she is in the Navy ROTC,” Joyner said. “She is going to be in the navy after she graduates as an officer.”
Senior Ryan Finley explained in more detail what ROTC stands for along with all of its benefits.
“ROTC stands for Reserved Officer Training Corps and they are preparing people for going into the military to become officers and leaders in the military,” Finely said. “It’s a great opportunity because it gives you an education and then you still get to go into the military as an officer.”
Finley also discussed different opportunities that come with participating in ROTC.
“In the summer there are different opportunities like traveling abroad and going to different military schools,” Finely said.
There is a new opportunity this year for high school students that may be interested in joining the program or the military.
“NC state’s open house is a great way for students who think they want to join the military to go and find out more information,” Joyner said. “There are some students that get into ROTC and then realize they don’t want to join military, so it is better to figure that out ahead of time than to get into the program and then have to pay back the scholarship.”
ROTC has many different opportunities for students who are genuinely i
nterested in joining the military and serving our country. Not only is there scholarships, but students get to go straight into the military. The Reserved Officer Training Corps is available for any student and is highly recommended to those interested in fighting for their country.“They should consider it if they are thinking about serving their country because this is definitely the best way to do that,” Finely said. “You still get to have the college experience and you would get to go into the military after school. I think [students who are interested] should definitely consider it.”