Seniors give back with years of commitment to honor societies and clubs
Advisors nominate top achievers

Emily Callahan
Wakefield takes pride in its great range of clubs and honor societies, some of the clubs’ advisors wrote some short goodbyes to nominate and remember students who served above and beyond for our school.
French Honor Society: Emily Callahan
Emily has worked tirelessly to help FHS succeed in all the activities we participated in this year. Her enthusiasm, diligence and follow-through were invaluable to our group. I know she will excel in every area of her future. I am very thankful to have been able to work with her this year.

Future Business Leaders of America: Anna Clark
Anna served as the president of the FBLA this year. She went above and beyond to come up with ideas to make the club enjoyable for all. She is a very level-headed young lady that inspires creativity in others. As the leader, she was tasked with bringing over 100 personalities together for a common cause. She was very instrumental in our Christmas Toy and Clothing Drive that benefited mothers and children who have suffered abuse. She helped orchestrate volunteers for various school functions to ensure the presence of FBLA was represented. As a leader she is helping to usher in the next FBLA staff by offering guidance, wisdom, and suggestions to make the club a success. She is a delightful young lady, and will have success in any endeavor she takes on.

Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America: Myasia Ragland
Myasia is a positive leader and has been a very active FCCLA member. She has attended every FCCLA meeting, participated in numerous community service activities, took many photos of the FCCLA activites, and won a Bronze medal at the FCCLA State competition.

Future Farmers of America: Lindsay Parker
Lindsay always goes the extra mile. She sticks around and helps clean up after meetings, class, or whenever it looks like someone just needs a hand. She has a tough cookie exterior, but inside she is pure nougat. She has a heart of gold and wants to help anyone in need. She bleeds blue and gold and loves agriculture life. She is creative, kind, funny, driven, and above all, she just rocks. Lindsay will be missed but we will keep stalking her on Facebook to make sure she doesn’t get into trouble in college. Lindsay is the heart of the FFA and the Agricultural Education program at Wakefield High School.

International Thespian Honor Society: Cheyenne Frett
Cheyenne Frett has been an outstanding member of the International Thespian Honor Society since 2013-2014 school year. She has faithfully performed as an actor or worked as a technician for the shows and events sponsored by ITS during that period of time. For some students, it’s all about being the leading role or having the largest part in the play or musical, but for Cheyenne it’s about being a part of the show no matter the size of the role. Cheyenne has been an actor, stage manager, lighting and sound operator, set crew, and many other jobs in our theater company. Cheyenne has been an asset to the International Thespian Society Troupe #6326 in many ways since her induction and upon her graduation, she will be missed. We want to wish her all the best in her future plans. Always remember to “Stand in the circle of light ” and shine!

Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society: Tracy Taylor and Beverly Baker
These two young ladies have worked hard to establish a culture of what officers should be. Rho Kappa at Wakefield High is still in its infancy, the diligent work of Tracy Taylor and Beverly Baker over the past year has been more than extraordinary. They have contributed to the growth of the club over the last two years, and have been excellent officers, finding ways to make life easier for advisers, and being amazing liaisons between advisers and the other members of the club. It is through their hard work and dedication that we have been able to grow our membership from last year, and it will carry on to greater membership in the future. Their love for history and their attention to detail has made the club a success this year. The society can only hope that in the future, it will have outstanding representatives of Rho Kappa as these two lovely ladies were.

Science Honor Society: Camryn Blawas
Camryn Blawas has been a member of Science Honor Society since her junior year. We are pleased to recognize her for the work that she has done with SHS, specifically with Planet Protectors. Camryn shows up weekly to collect the recycling, has organized SHS members to help and documents it all. We know that if there is a problem she will make sure it is solved quickly. Her enthusiasm for science and the environment is a positive addition to the club. We wish her great success in college.

Spanish Honor Society: Holden Rogers
Holden has served as president of the Spanish Honor Society this year, and has done a tremendous job leading this student organization. He has worked tirelessly to organize and prepare club activities, and has encouraged members to strengthen their cultural awareness and understanding in community events throughout the year. He has proven to be a committed leader, and has been more than willing to take the initiative to ensure that Spanish Honor Society functions would continue to run smoothly. The society is very thankful to have had him leading us this year and wish him great success in the future.

National Honor Society of Sports Medicine: Tanna Altendorf
Tanna Altendorf has been the point person for the Sports Medicine Team for the last four years. Even though her hard work behind the scenes often went unnoticed, the team and the success they had did not. People often fail to associate the success of a team with the support crew. These student trainers get to practices hours before and set fields up with the necessary supplies keeping our teams safe while also prepping individual athletes with tape or modalities they require to perform. Never once has Tanna acted like this was a burden. There were many days she would complete entire duties alone. She is all business and a person of very few words. Tanna’s work ethic is above most of her peers and understands that setting the example, by actions, speak louder than words. Tanna is a winner and there is no doubt she will go far in life. Tanna will be missed.