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The Voice of Wakefield High School

The Howler

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The Voice of Wakefield High School

The Howler

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The Voice of Wakefield High School

The Howler

Cage for reviving canary, with oxygen cylinder, made by Siebe Gorman & Co. Ltd, London. Photo courtesy of the Museum of Science & Industry/Science & Society Picture Library

Canaries in Coal Mines: A Story of Safety and Care

Amaya Thrasher, Staff Writer November 15, 2024

Breathing is a silent killer. You can breathe in tasteless, colorless and odorless toxins that are found everywhere. You can't detect them, but other creatures can. This was especially a problem in underground...

Animal testing, a cruel method dating back to 500 B.C. still continues on today. There are several flaws that need to be brought to attention.

We can do better than animal testing

Yusha Ahsan, Co-Opinions Editor December 1, 2022

As I scroll through my phone on what seems like a typical day, I come upon a short film regarding animal testing called, “Save Ralph.” My heart sinks as I watch and find out about the inhumane torture...

A young woman and man, both underrepresented in science, contribute new perspectives to the field.

No scientist left behind: the diversity problem

Sage Cooley, Co-Editor-in-Chief January 7, 2021

Science advances the most when the “best and brightest” individuals come together. In an effort to recruit such people, we set rigorous standards for entering higher education and the workforce. What...



October 16, 2020

Q:  What do you teach here at Wakefield High School? A:  Right now, I'm teaching biology, honors biology and honors marine ecology, but I've also taught physical science. Q:  What made you decide...

The Science Olympiad team gathers for a photo before their competition

Science Olympiad strikes a win at competition

Sienna Stock, News Editor March 11, 2020

Science Olympiad is an organization that promotes 8,000 teams across the US and holds 450 tournaments annually. Wakefield brought home 13 medals with the outcome of its most recent competition. Wakefield’s...

Stacked reading materials share information all about recent space exploration.

NASA hosts naming contest for Mars 2020 rover

Sage Cooley, Co-Editor-in-Chief October 18, 2019
“Finding definitive proof of past microbial life would change how people view Earth, Mars and the universe,” Williams said. “People [may] reflect on how they view humanity, life and more.” 
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