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The Voice of Wakefield High School

The Howler

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The Voice of Wakefield High School

The Howler

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The Voice of Wakefield High School

The Howler

Deja Moss addresses her AP African American class as they work on their final test preparations. Moss is very passionate about this class and wants to bring in new students to learn more about people of the African diaspora, with history as well as modern events.

AP African American Studies aims towards the future

Maya Schindler, Multimedia Editor January 29, 2025

In this day and age, schools everywhere are offering a multitude of new courses to their student body. Whether they're core classes or electives, these courses offer students the chance to grow their knowledge...

 AP classes are a fantastic way for students to expand their knowledge and even gain college credit while in a high school setting. However, these rigorous courses are not a walk in the park and should be selected thoughtfully.

AP students, teachers share advice for success in advanced courses

Catherine Marley, Co-Arts and Entertainment Editor March 19, 2024

As Wakefield students begin class registration for the 2024-2025 school year, many are choosing to enroll in their first advanced placement classes. Advanced placement classes, commonly referred to as...

In the near future, students across the country, including at Wakefield High School will be able to register for an Advanced Placement African American Studies course.

Wakefield plans for AP African American Studies course

Jami Ward, Staff Writer May 17, 2023

In 2021, College Board announced that they would be developing a pilot program for a new Advanced Placement course: African American Studies. The first phase of the program launched at the beginning of...

A student struggles to focus on online assignments and grades.

The pandemic that changed high school

Daijah DeForge, Sports Editor May 11, 2020

Coronavirus. The pandemic that demolished any sense of normalcy in 2020. Many schools have taken action against its spread by closing their doors. This has changed everything for high school students...

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