The fight against senioritis
Senior Ke’Shondra Montague tries to complete her work in the final days of her senior year.
May 29, 2018
Senior year comes with many benefits, including social hierarchy, senior prom, and the talent show. However, between college stress and planning out the rest of your future, your last year of high school can be highly exhausting. If not careful senioritis can end up plaguing the final months of your high school experience. Symptoms may include not completing assignments, skipping class, or a sheer lack of motivation.
Senior Amaobi Owoh explains this phenomenon in upperclassmen. Although Owoh is a senior he has not experienced senioritis. He has seen the effects that this dreadful disease has on his friends.
“Senioritis is when you’re just tired and you can’t really do any work. You have reached that senior level and you feel like you’ve done enough work,” Owoh said.
Every victim defines the illness differently as senioritis effects each of its prey differently. Senior D’Andre Palmer developed the symptoms at the start of the school year. Palmer is ready for the chance to venture out into the world on his own.
“So, it’s like this: imagine that you’ve been in prison for four years then you start getting tired of doing the same things,” Palmer said. “
.”For most, college acceptances have already been recorded and the seniors’ new lives have been planned out. After all the hard work that seniors put into their applications, it is easy for them to see acceptance letters as the finish line in their high school career. Knowing that they have accomplished their goal of getting into college, military, or going into the workforce- seniors are then faced with the disease of senioritis, feeling no major need to continue working hard in their current classes.
Senior Dylan Wallace knows senioritis all too well. Procrastination and overly sleeping has consumed his remaining days of high school.
“For the past couple months, I have had senioritis really bad. It has been hard to do work,” Wallace said. “I’ve been slacking off and just taking naps instead of doing homework. I do my best, [but] procrastination is a big problem.”
Despite the fact that scientists have not been able to find a cure to senioritis, the best way to cope is to take advice from people who have experienced it. Senior Ke’Shondra Montague is excited for her new adventure outside the walls of Wakefield High. Montague wants to see all of the opportunities the world has for her.
“Take your senior year serious because colleges look at your senior year. Be on top of your [work], make sure your grades are good. Get that GPA up,” Montague said.
In some severe cases, senioritis cannot be prevented but it is treatable. Set small goals for yourself so you can accomplish your objectives within the amount of time allowed. Remember to take some time for some well-deserved rest and relaxation, you are a senior after all.
“Think of it this way: this is your last year,” Owoh said,” the last year you have to deal with crazy teachers or administration, but also the last year that you get to see your friends. Make sure it’s a good year.”