Ohio teens hit new bullying low

October 27, 2014
Another outrageous act of bullying involving teens pouring human waste over innocent autistic classmate attempts to be written off as an act of charity. The widely celebrated Ice Bucket Challenge for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis has become the teens pathetic excuse for their actions after the stunt was found hideous instead of humorous.
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was created to raise awareness for Lou Gerhrig’s disease by creating a similar experience one might feel if they suffered from the disease. This was done by having ice and cold water poured over themselves. It created the sensation, for a minuscule moment, of your body being paralyzed. It grew greatly in popularity on social media sites and was a wonderful way to raise awareness and money for the ALS association. This powerful movement was insulted greatly by this horrific incident. A few Ohio teens took the ALS challenge and completely degraded the organization. Not only did they use human feces instead of ice cold water to pour over their classmates head but they took advantage and outright humiliated him. Bullying is not a strong enough word to explain the actions of those students.
Bullying has been a growing epidemic in the United States because of social media- this a bold example. Bullies figure they can hide behind a screen, whether that on a phone, tablet, or laptop. Personal consequences to the perpetrators themselves could get as serious as jail time. Which, if the case is really brought to justice, will be the outcome for the bullies in this current act of bullying.
Consequences, sadly, usually rest more heavily on the victims’ shoulders. They are left with scars sometimes physical and emotionally. Often times it is acts like these or hurtful words that can emotionally impact someone to the point of self harm or even suicide. According to bullyingstatistics.org suicide takes 4,400 young lives a year and for every suicide there is another 100 attempts. It is important to think before acting because you never know how your actions could effect someone. Choose to be kind and improve someone’s day and life rather than ruin it.
When people bully they are doing so out of selfish intent. They insult and hurt others to in turn get a sense of sense of self gratification. Often they find humor in these terrible situations they create. People that commit acts like these are selfish and insecure. Some may say that it is because they are juvenile and they do not know better, but treating another human being with the intentions of hurting them is a conscious act. There is no just excuse for these crimes against humanity.
Bullying in any form or fashion is inhumane and this occurrence is especially disgusting. Taking advantage of anyone is wrong but, it is especially wrong if the person has a mental disability. These teens disgraced an organization and themselves. Hopefully, if case is handled correctly, these teens will receive a punishment fit for their actions.