The Howler Spotlight: Issue 05
May 1, 2018
Q: What makes teaching worthwhile?
Mr. Lipsomb 
“The kids. I’ve got a lot of great kids that I work with, a lot of great kids that I care about. I’ve got some pretty fantastic co-workers in the building that are really good at their jobs and really passionate about helping students. It’s a good community”
Ms. Goodson
“ It’s the kids. It’s all the extra stuff that we have to do and the kids make it worth it. Being able to make that change for someone or help them click and connect something in their mind that they couldn’t before, that’s what keeps me going.”
Mrs. Oshinsky 
“ I love learning and it’s a lot more fun to learn with people who are discovering these things for the first time. Every time I come to a classroom whether I taught a lesson for the first time or whether I taught a lesson for the fortieth time, I like having the experience of learning again with my students and that’s something I can’t do if I’m just by myself. Teaching is a way that I can keep learning.”