Clubs at Wakefield
Featured below are various student-initiated, non school sponsored clubs
October 22, 2014
Planet Protectors are for students who want promote people to be environmentally conscious. Students work to promote recycling awareness and work tirelessly to recycle paper and bottles every Tuesday afternoon Any student can join meetings in Mr. Holcomb’s room.
The Future Business Leaders of America, or FBLA, is a national student organization that is open for anyone to join. The purpose of FBLA is to provide an environment where teens can fully immerse themselves into a business environment and gain knowledge that will help them succeed and thrive in the business world. Wakefield’s FBLA will attend the State Leadership Conference in Greensboro in April that will help students learn more about business and leadership from other groups and organizations from around the state. FBLA meets the second Thursday of every month during A lunch in Mr. Walker’s room, and everyone is welcome to join.
Anti bullying club is a club is a club against bullying. Their goal is to let people know bullying is not okay and to send a message that bullying is a problem and should not be tolerated. They want to make the school judgefree and harm-free to make sure everyone has a safe learning environment and to send kindness throughout the school. They meet on Wednesdays during B lunch in room 308. Any anyone and everyone is welcome to join.
Next Generation Manga Club meets every Tuesday & Thursday, during Lunch A and B in Ms. King’s class, room 304. The purpose of the club is to teach people to create both comics and manga, as well as put together a magazine for the enjoyment of the school. The club intends to create two magazines, made up of small comics by members of the club, as well as featured art. Everyone is welcomed and is encouraged to have an interest and willingness to create.
The Future Farmers of America, or FFA, is a club that allows students to be involved in an activity where they have mutual interests. Students get to learn about agriculture while taking advantage of leadership opportunities. Anyone, including parents, can get involved in FFA. The last Thursday of each month after school, the FFA gathers for a themed meeting. Wakefield’s FFA is one of the best around- seven students competed in the Forestry Competition on September 23rd and received first place in the Federation!
Female Empowerment’s goal is to make sexism less of a problem in high school among teenagers. They meet every other Wednesday in room 2214 during Smart Lunch B and after school from 2:30 to 3:15. Anyone who is interested can join. Their purpose is to teach people about misogyny, sexism and to bring awareness to issues women face.
The Handyman Club meets once a month and the dates will be announced over the intercom. Anybody is welcome to join Mr.Lavan as he spreads his knowledge on how to fix things. His goal is to get knowledge into the minds of whoever joins the club.
The Investment Club meets every first and third thursday each month and anyone can join. The goal of the club is to Prepare students with a knowledge of stocks and how to invest successfully.
Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) is a refuge for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender (LGBT) students in the school and their allies that meet every other Monday. The club focuses on spreading awareness and acceptance in the community. An upcoming event is the Day of Silence which is a protest against the bullying of LGBT students. Anyone can sign up and participate; all you have to do is be quiet the entire day at school or wear a ribbon to show your support if you don’t want to participate.
Kappa League is a club for gentlemen at Wakefield. It is based off of a fraternity in college. Its purpose is to help the community, as well as keep young men out of trouble. It gives them an outlet and place to channel their energy. They meet two Fridays of every month after school, and occasionally meet during lunch. They have participated in shoe and coat drives in the past, and plan to do so again this year. They are a positive club at our school who help out with service in the community.
If you have a passion for community service, then the Interact Club is meant for you. They meet every third Friday during A lunch. The purpose of the club is to promote leadership and community involvement. The next major event they are participating in is Candy Cane grams. Be sure to check out Interact Club!
The video game club is the perfect place to join together with your fellow gamers and have fun. The club centers around making everyone feel welcomed, regardless of whether you’re a newbie or an expert. The club meets every other Friday after school in the library. Tournaments are also going to be introduced this year with t-shirts as prizes.
Science Olympiad’s main goal is to encourage the curiosity of students; it takes kids who love science and puts them in a competitive environment. They meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month during Lunch A. anyone can join. They have regionals on Saturday, February 7, 2015 and state competition on April 24-25 at NCState. It is a team activity of 2 or 3 kids per group on the team.

The Handyman Club, under the guidance of Mr. Lavan, will work on a variety of practical projects this year.

Planet Protectors recycle paper and bottles every Tuesday afternoon.

Last year’s Kappa League takes a moment to pose for the camera.

FFA students pose with the mums sold during the Fall Plant Sale.