Putting up with pet peeves
Sophomores Emely Melgar, Mariah Pollard, and Karime Penuri need to take a break from loud people in class.
Pet peeves are something everyone has–whether it’s one or many. There are many instances for why people have pet peeves and many different kinds of pet peeves. They can pop up in a restaurant, school, and even in traffic. Many dislike slow walkers in school hallways while others dislike slow drivers in the left lane of the highway. Wakefield teachers and students give their insight on some of their pet peeves.
Dorothy Corrigan, Media Center Staff “My biggest pet peeve is when students act like they’re the only ones here [Media Center], and break the computers. They need to understand to work as a community. I want some respect in this place. We even have cafe tables now, like what more do you need! We buy new stuff but we need people to take care of it, to take pride in our community. That’s really the only thing that bothers me.
Kathy Jackson, Media Center Staff “When they leave their trash in the Media Center and don’t pick it up. It annoys me when parents drive through the faculty parking lot to pick up their kids, which makes it difficult for staff to get to their spots.”
Melinda Humburg, Media Center Staff “People shouting in the Media Center during pride time–especially the adults Also when kids take the keys out the computers, it costs money to replace them.”
Jon Smith, Media Center Staff “Not treating new laptops like they are new equipment.”
India Holden, Freshman “My biggest pet peeve would have to be messiness or when people are unorganized.”
Max Gamel, Freshman “My pet peeve is when you tell something to someone and all they say is “okay” or “cool”. I feel like they’re not really listening to what you’re saying. I don’t like it.”
Hiba Muhammad, Sophomore
“My pet peeves are when people chew gum with their mouths open. Also, when people chew their food loudly. And when you’re walking in the hallway and people in front of you are walking really slow, I hate that.”
Ryan Howard, Sophomore “My pet peeve is disloyalty and dishonesty. I can be really nice to you when I first meet you, but the second that you harm me or someone that I care about then I have to leave you.”
Cindy Chen, Junior “My biggest pet peeve would have to be when someone gives me an attitude when I’m trying to help them.”
Alyssa Meritt, Junior “I personally hate when people are chewing gum when they talk to me. And when they make a big deal out of nothing, it’s completely blown out of portion for that one specific person.”
Ashira Walden, Senior “My pet peeve is when someone is being really loud in a quiet place. I also hate it when people start clicking on pens when they write.”
Bryan Williams, Senior “My top two pet peeves would have to be loud people and people who sag [pants] all the time.”