Booster clubs support the dub
A list of school sponsors is located outside of the Wakefield football stadium.
February 10, 2016
Being a part of a public school has both its benefits and its downfalls. Having dedicated sponsors is one of the biggest advantages of attending Wakefield. School sponsors and the Booster Club support our athletics, arts, and the student body in general through parental support and local organizations near and around the school.
School sponsors keep the public school system’s extracurricular activities afloat. Many students would not be able to afford the necessary equipment required to participate on sports teams or in the performing arts programs.
“Without school sponsors, certain areas couldn’t function,” said Career Development Coordinator, Sarah Joyner. “Some people are sponsors by giving of their time, not necessarily money.”
One of the most expensive organizations at WHS is the Band who benefits greatly through the Booster Club and fundraising.
“Band is the most expensive activity at our school,” said senior, Thomas Peters. “It’s about $800 per person and we get about $15,000 in donations per year.”
Although school sponsors are very important, booster clubs provide certain organizations with the option of using money for items the coaches personally request.
“Depending on the particular equipment a team or activity needs at Wakefield, certain items will be purchased and provided by each organization’s booster club,” said Assistant Principal, Eric Betheil.
Wakefield does not want their sponsors to go unrecognized, so special events are put into place in order to give them our thanks and tell them how much they are appreciated.
“Each sponsor, both parents and companies, gets some kind of dedication throughout the year,” said Betheil. “The individuals who give the most money are held at different levels and receive recognition at games. This recognition includes large banners over the football field and the gymnasium, as well as announcements over the speakers at games.”
A lot of our school’s sponsors are from local businesses around Wakefield.
“Moe’s, Chick-Fil-A, and Keith’s BBQ/JK’s Lunchroom are some of the school’s biggest sponsors,” said Betheil. “They cater for school and athletic events.”
Different teams have different methods of fundraising. Many sell restaurant coupon cards for $20 which help benefit the clubs and athletics at Wakefield.
“We each have to sell 10 cards or we have consequences,” said junior, Matt McKay. “The cards also have our game schedules so people can come out and support us.”
Steve Stock is a local parent and the the director of Wakefield’s Booster Club has dedicated much time and effort to organize sponsors at our school.
“The Wakefield Wolverine Club is a non-profit athletic booster organization supporting all Wakefield High School student athlete and physical education programs,” said Stock. “It is made up of parents, educators, and staff committed to the development of young people through athletics.”
The statistics are overwhelming when it comes to the amount of money received from local sponsors.
“The 2015-2016 High School athletic budget exceeds $200,000,” said Stock. “Of that amount the Wake County Public School System will provide $1200; this is less than 1% of what we require.”
Without the support of booster clubs and the generosity of students’ parents, athletics and other organizations could not function.
“We, as a club, do our best to support our sponsors because they are a major contributor to the athletics club here at Wakefield,” said Stock. “Without them we would not be able to support the Wakefield sports teams.”