Dance Team, Guard, and Band take on Raleigh Christmas Parade
Wakefield gets represented in annual Raleigh Christmas Parade
Wakefield dance team marches downtown during the parade.
Every year, the city of Raleigh’s Christmas Parade draws crowds to the downtown area. This year, Wakefield’s very own dance team, guard, and band played a prominent role in the parade. After hard work and preparation, the teams put on a great show in front of a large crowd.
Junior dancer Taylor Sook enjoyed the experience at the parade.
“It was a great experience for the band and dance team to show Raleigh what we can do,” said Sook. “It was also very entertaining for us to be able to perform in front a big crowd.”
The parade was a huge event for the dance team and they did all they could to prepare for it.
“We spent the week before practicing it over and over,” said Sook. “We even went to the school parking lot to practice our routine while moving.”
The team needed to practice to be as perfect as can be due to their lead role.
“This year, the dance team had the privilege to lead Wakefield in the parade,” said Sook. “We had to be cleaner than before so we practiced even harder.”
Senior band member Thomas Peters can attest to the preparation required for the parade.
“About a month before the parade, we rehearsed music every other day while the dance team and color guard rehearsed separately,” said Peters. “The week of the parade, we practiced marching, playing, and dancing on the road together.”
Peters believes the practice paid off for all of the performers and thinks the parade was a big success.
“I think it went very well,” said Peters. “All of the spectators cheered as we marched past and we performed at a high level.”
Not to be forgotten is the color guard and their unique job in visualizing what the band is playing.
Senior guard member Jena Phillips explained the exact role of the guard was in the parade and in all performances in general.
“Our role is to add a visual aspect to the band and to interpret the music,” said Phillips. “It is for the audience to get a sense of the meaning of the music.”
Due to the guard’s reliance on the band and vice versa, the two spent a lot of exclusive time rehearsing.
“The week before the parade we went outside in the student parking lot to practice,” said Phillips. “We did it over and over again because we have to be on the same page as the band for our visuals to make sense.”
Philips thinks it was all worth it because of the great reception they received.
“The best part is definitely when you’re going down Fayetteville Street and all of the little kids are waving at you and smiling,” said Phillips. “It really makes their day.”
When it was all said and done, Wakefield had a great showing in front of their biggest audience of the year.