Wakefield keeps Spirit Week on fleek
A week each year designed to show support for Wakefield took place the week before Homecoming.

Staff Photo by Francesca Scarrone
A Wakefield student shows her school spirit on ‘Merica Monday’.
October 21, 2015
Throughout the first week of October, WHS Students enjoyed the opportunity to wear the most eccentric, weird, colorful outfits without feeling ridiculous all while showing their school spirit.
The first time there was an event similar to Spirit Week as we know it was in 1952. A high school in Palo Alto, California created a week to welcome students back. They called it Friendship Week until the 70s, when it was officially recognized as Spirit Week.
After several changes during its history, Spirit Week became a week to show school spirit. It also gave an excuse to dress up in unusual outfits.
“You only go to high school once,” said Michael Portera, senior at Wakefield “You should show the school you go to your support.”
Wakefield started with ‘Merica Monday, which is a more country, “good old boy” version of America Monday to show patriotism. The red, white and blue on every hat, t-shirt, sock, and skirt were as bright as Wakefield’s spirit. For this day, everyone was on the same side.
On Tacky Tourist Tuesday, students showed up with Hawaiian shirts, sandals borrowed from their parents, sporty socks, and Safari hats. However, that wasn’t all; Mickey Mouse ears and t-shirts, cameras, and odd-looking sunglasses were popular as well.
Unfortunately, this Spirit Week left some students disappointed.
“I think last year was a lot better,” said senior Alyssa Losurdo. “We couldn’t show our school spirit from the [themes] we had”.
In fact, on Wednesday, many people didn’t dress up. While on Monday, everyone showed their love for the flag together, on Wednesday, they had to take a side. Superman, Man of Steel, or Batman, the Caped Crusader? NC State or UNC? The students that decided to demonstrate their preference rocked it. They declared their choice with superhero costumes and t-shirts with cloaks on the back. Between the two universities, the majority chose the land-grant institution, the NC State Wolfpack.
Tie dye t-shirts were everywhere on Thursday. Throwback unearthed good taste for past generation’s outfits. Wakefield was amazed by a group of 23 students who dressed up in perfect Greaser style. Students would have loved a Pajama day, but not having it scheduled didn’t stop many. Throwing back to the last moment of sleep, many students decided it was time to wear their pajamas to school that day.
Finally, TGIF! Friday heaped the meaning of Spirit Week all into one day. To conclude the week in the best possible way, the last day was all for Wolverines. After three years spent watching other seniors wear their crowns with proud faces, on Friday, the class of 2016 got their moment. In the hallways, the only colors to be found were maroon, black and white.
“The best day was Wakefield Wolverine Friday,” said Losurdo.