The volleyball team overcomes adversity
Staff Photo by Cameron Osiecki
Senior Erin Fox warms up before the team’s match against Sanderson.
October 21, 2015
Wakefield’s varsity volleyball team is continuously improving and enjoying the game of volleyball as the season progresses. The team has a record of 7-9 and a conference record of 2-6. Many players on the team continue to boost each other’s self-esteem and stay positive, even when struck with unfortunate losses.
The volleyball team has been coached by Cynthia Terrell for the past 13 years. Terrell is dedicated to improving the team and building lasting relationships with the players.
“I enjoy coaching the team because it’s not always about winning, it’s about the people that you’re engaged with,” said Terrell. “It is great to see that the players are academically inclined as well, so they can move on to a higher institution of learning. They’re not just student athletes, they’re productive citizens.”
So far, the volleyball team’s season has been decent, considering the struggles they have endured, including multiple injuries and having many younger players.
“[This season] is not how I would like it to be,” said Terrell. “However, it is better than what I thought it would be. We are learning to persevere, make adjustments, and play together.”
One of the appointed captains, senior, Samantha Begin, is very proud of her team. Sometimes, the team gets frustrated by their losses, but they always stay positive.
“As a captain, my role is to be a leader, to encourage other players to do their best, and to bring us up when we’re down,” said Begin. “We always keep the game really close, but we have to figure out how to push ourselves at the end.”
Begin is excited to finish out the season and is looking forward to making more progress as a team. Although she is a senior, she believes the team will be even more successful next year as they grow and practice.
“Our record doesn’t reflect how well we play because we fail to finish,” said Begin. “We are a young team and we just need to continue to work together and grow as a team.”
Other players on the team also take pride in the hard work they have put into their season. Although the season is coming to an end, the players are striving to win every game for the rest of their season to improve their record.
“We need to learn from our wins and losses,” said junior, Allie Dodge. “It’s really fun being a part of the team, and even if our season isn’t that good, it is still enjoyable because we are all friends and our coach is really supportive.”
Even if the volleyball team’s season isn’t going as expected, they still have many fans that regularly attend their matches. Sophomore, Claire Grosse, has been to multiple volleyball matches and has many of friends on both the JV and Varsity teams.
“It is fun to attend games because I think both teams work really well together,” said Grosse. “I’m expecting both JV and varsity to win the rest of their games this season because they’re improving a lot.”
The ladies on the team have similar goals for how they want the season to end. The volleyball team has impressively overcome adversity.
“We are trying to stay positive throughout the rest of the season,” said Begin. “I’m very proud of everything we’ve accomplished and how we continue to work together even when we struggle with losses.”