Get the 411 on the 6410
Athletic shorts are finally within dress code regulations.
Staff Photo by Francesca Scarrone
High school girls showing the acceptable(left) and unacceptable(right) lengths of track shorts.
October 6, 2015
Wake County students everywhere rejoiced as athletic shorts were finally permitted to be worn in schools without repercussions.
The comfortable, practical attire were deemed appropriate and innocent of sending anyone into a distracted and frenzied zombie-like state. The sight of a leg has been proven not to distract the student body from their educational endeavors. You can finally be cool in the summer, or rather the 80 degree classrooms, while also embracing your athleticism.
It has taken roughly 15 years for the school system to finally view athletic shorts as appropriate. They’re incredibly practical when you have gym and they’re comfortable for sitting in class. Not to mention they match almost everything; and when you oversleep and need to get ready in five minutes, they’re perfect with an old, oversized tee-shirt and tennis shoes (all while still looking cute).
With the new policy in place, there are some things to keep in mind as you strut your glossy new norts (Nike athletic shorts) through the halls. Here are the DO’s and DONT’s of athletic shorts.
1.) Do: Buy fun patterns! Not only are they super comfy, but they come in unique colors and can help establish your funky personality.
2.) Don’t: Care about other people’s opinions on your jazzy colored shorts. Strut those neon yellow and pink norts with pride.
3.) Do: Wear a loose fitting, relaxed tee-shirt, no need to get fancy on the top because the shorts make any outfit look spectacular and practical. You’ll look like a student on a mission for knowledge.
4.) Don’t: Buy shorts that are too small! Get your size! Heck even get a size up so you can freely move around and you’ll continue being snug as a bug in your shorts. If you’re noticing itchy red lines around your waistband when you take them off, you may be doing this whole athletic shorts thing wrong. Treat yourself and go get a new pair (refer to number one.)
5.) Do: Encourage all of your friends to wear their athletic shorts with you, make it a special day so you all can match. On Wednesday’s we wear athletic shorts. You’ll be surprised at the sense of unity you’ll feel when you sit around your lunch table as your squad gives off sporty-chic vibes.
6.) Don’t: Impose your athletic shorts too harshly onto others, respect their wishes. If they are more of a sweatpants person, let them cuddle up in their sweats without ridicule. Students are entitled to their own decisions when it comes to athletic wear, – and thanks to the new policy, athletic shorts lovers can freely express their admiration for the garment.
7.) Do: Name your shorts, give them character. I recommend the name Bartholomew.
8.) Don’t: Address your shorts by name out loud. You may not get dresscoded but you’ll probably get a different type of slip if you’re talking to your shorts during your English test. You may think they know the correct syntax of that sentence you’re trying to compose but I promise you they’re not that advanced.
9.) Do: Be confident and comfortable in your shorts! If athletic shorts make your heart smile, wear them. While you’re at it, smile at anyone else you see wearing athletic shorts, or any kind of shorts for that matter. Don’t limit yourself to just shorts adorners, smile at everyone wearing all types of dress. Spread your athletic shorts-stemmed happiness.
10.) Don’t: Glare at people in the hallway who may be smiling a lot and addressing their clothes as Bartholomew (refer to number 7 if you’re curious.)
Now that the Do’s and Don’ts are clearly specified, I encourage you to celebrate this new found athletic shorts freedom. This privilege has just recently been granted, so make sure to closely abide by the above tips so all the students in the future can also take part in this honorable occurrence without repercussions. Happy athletic shorts wearing!
Camryn Blawas • Oct 16, 2015 at 10:32 am
This article was so good!! I really relate to this and would like to see more stories like this!