Teachers, admin share advice for graduates

As we say goodbye to the senior class, Wakefield staff members share some last minute lessons

Max Rubino, Arts and Entertainment Editor

Ms. Scales: Always work to make yourself proud in whatever you choose to do. If you are always striving to be proud of yourself, then everyone else will be proud of you as well. Good luck Class of 2022!

Ms. Bradford: No matter what you plan to do after graduation or where life takes you, remember to enjoy the stage you’re in. Life changes quickly in those years after high school so make the most of it while you can and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. No one gets it right all the time, and mistakes make for better stories anyway.

Mr. Calabria: As you all head out, continue to help others who can’t help themselves and to always follow the signs… but know this, sometimes these signs will be hard to see, sometimes they may be costly, both in money and tears, but at the end of your journey, waiting for you, will be a golden town where golden houses are.  Know this as you begin, the signs will be visible only to those who know where to look, and that, my friends, includes you.  Dare the impossible, step out, don’t be worried about failure, enjoy every experience because even the bad experiences make for a great story; I can’t wait to hear yours. 

Ms. Gordon: My advice for upcoming graduates would be to listen to your gut, you know what you’ve been through these past four years, these past two years, these past few months! No one else does, literally. Your intuition is your superpower, and if it’s the hardest option, t’s usually the best. Listen to yourself, and be kind to yourself and your peers, because you need each other! Congratulations Class of ’22, I always knew you had it in you. Thank you for your time and energy, 

Ms. Joyner: Use every moment as something you can learn from. It is okay to fail!  Use that failure as an opportunity to learn. Be the person who says, “How can I help?” You won’t believe how many doors those 4 words can open for you. If you are willing to help others, then doors will open for you! I can’t wait to see what each one of you do with your superpowers to enrich our world!

Ms. Holliday: My advice to the seniors is for them to know the world will not always be kind but don’t allow that to derail you from fulfilling your purpose; don’t give up until you GET IT!

Ms. Mattie: My biggest piece of advice for seniors would be to find a mentor within the field they are pursuing. There is no better way to learn about your future career than from someone who works within it each day! Find a professor, advisor, or local employer who you can shadow/go to with questions. Connections matter! Good luck with everything Class of 2022, thanks for being an unforgettable (and my first) graduating class at Wakefield!!!

Mr. Holcomb: Make someone’s day, just because you can… Say yes as much as you can – and say no when you should. Give help any time you are able – ask for it when you need it. Tell your friends, family and loved ones how much they mean to you – today – because you never know when you won’t get the chance again. Get dessert – you know you want to. Remember that everyone you meet knows something you don’t. Never be afraid to sing, dance or laugh out loud. Never settle for less than you want or deserve. Never let anyone else decide your level of happiness. Always take the trip when you have the chance. Always choose love over hate. Go do all the things–all of them.–you only get one ride on this roller coaster called life.

Mr. Bazzell: Seniors as you transition to adulthood, life will change for you in many ways both predictable and unpredictable. The best way to prepare yourself for the unknown is your ability to know yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or do not align with your internal standards. Through focusing on self-awareness, self-reflection and self-regulation you will be able to influence outcomes, free yourself from your own assumptions and personal biases, build better relationships, have a greater ability to self-regulate emotions, decrease internal stress and be a happier person in general. Life is going to throw many curve balls at you, but if you start with knowing yourself, you will be able to lead yourself to successfully navigate what life has in store for you.