Unexpected lessons
Our teachers reflect on lessons they’ve learned from this year’s graduating class.
June 7, 2021
Mr. Bayer: Seniors have lost a year in a lot of ways and had every reason to be salty, bitter, and frustrated but that wasn’t the case. They did not let it faze them entirely and they continued and pushed on. They helped me recognize that this is bigger than all of us and that in rolling with the punches, being patient, and adapting we can continue living life the best we can.
Ms. Stiles: I have been reminded to not take things too seriously all the time. Just because a plan looks good on paper does not mean it is a good plan. I have learned that they are a group who knows what they want and how to achieve their goals. They are opinionated, in a good way, and ready to take on the challenges of the world. I have learned that my seniors are capable of juggling the many demands that we –school, home, work, place on them, but that they are comfortable admitting when they need help. They are advocating for themselves in a positive way. Seniors are handling everything as well as they can and will come out of this experience much stronger.
Ms. Furr: Seniors are resilient. I have learned over time that resilient people have certain characteristics, and I have noticed them in my seniors this year. Resilient people accept that life is not –and will never be perfect. The seniors this year took the opportunities that came to them, did the best they could with them, and then moved on to the next adventure. Resilient people also focus on the things they can control and let go of the things they cannot. My seniors did not waste their energy complaining or placing blame when things were not as they wished. Finally, resilient people focus on the positives and show gratitude. My seniors have taught me to see the silver lining, even when everything seems to be turned upside down. I am confident our world is going to be a better place, because of the resilient seniors of Wakefield.

Ms. Leshnock: During the most life-altering and difficult moment in time, my seniors taught me lessons in resilience, perseverance, and heart. Throughout all the difficulties, my seniors remained determined to respect their ability, challenge themselves, hone their skills, and be well-prepared for college. Technological glitches, isolation from friends, and the absence of all the events of a normal senior year did not stop my seniors. With diligence and so much heart, seniors have persevered: engaged in their classes, applied to colleges, sought scholarships, and played their sport when it was made available. You should all celebrate who you are and all you have achieved. I am very grateful and blessed to know my seniors and to have learned so many life lessons from you. Thank you! They will be remembered for their innate strength and ability.
Mr. Yu: All of the kids that asked me for a recommendation showed me that they could deal with the changing landscape and persevere. They needed to be organized and manage their time with the nebula that has been remote learning. I have been very impressed with the seniors’ perseverance with having so many things from their senior year taken away but keeping a positive attitude and looking forward.