The Voice of Wakefield High School


As the temperatures dropped in late 2017  sending us into the fall and winter season, a very popular clothing item started trending, the sherpa pullover. Sherpa pullovers and vests are fluffy, cozy, fleece jackets that come in an assortment of natural and fun colors for everyone. The pullover appeal comes from its comfy fit and fashionable styles.

Sherpas have fleece on both the inside and outside of the jacket to ensure the wearer will be warm on cold, winter days. They are a perfect way to complete any winter wardrobe. Wearers are also able to customize their coat to give it a unique look. I love pairing my Sherpa with my favorite jeans and a pair of boots for a nice, comfortable feel.  

Many popular brands started to produce this product such as Simply Southern, PINK, L.L Bean, and many others as a way to capitalize on the trend. Pricing for Sherpas can range from $20 to $200. After the Sherpa success, other merchandise has been made with the same soft material like purses, shoes, and keychains. This shows how the material can be used year round, not just in the cold months of the year. Starting off 2018 in freezing weather and knowing more months of winter weather are to come, people can bundle up in the Sherpa.

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