Ryanne Howard
“If you’re always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be”~Maya Angelou
My time at The Howler has taught me the importance of working with a team. Not only did I find an amazing class where I can further my passion for writing, but I found a safe space where I can be myself. When I joined the staff my junior year, I was nervous about the thought of being one of the few underclassmen. To my surprise, there was no competition, no hierarchy, just passionate journalists. Newspaper has allowed me to open my eyes to religions, political opinions and culture that differ from mine. Being on staff has also challenged me to discover new ways of learning and finding different ways to problem solve issues. I encourage all aspiring journalists or passionate writers to apply for newspaper. In addition to building upon your writing skills, you get to share your opinions and learn more about your school.
High school has taught me not only to rely on myself and have confidence but to take advice when needed. I would like to thank my parents for always supporting me and pushing me to be the best version of myself. I know that I can count on my family and friends to help me keep a level head. I’d also like to thank Mrs. Tekotte for allowing me to lead newspaper as the Co-Editor-in-Chief and encouraging me to major in communication.
I plan to attend Hampton University and major in Strategic Communications. I hope to use my public speaking ability and writing skills to become a public relations specialist for an organization that focuses on the golf industry. While furthering my education, I will strengthen my confidence as a black female to enter the workforce where I must strive harder to succeed. Although high school wasn’t the perfect High School Musical I expected, the experiences will be something I’ll never forget. I have created lifelong friends. I cannot wait to see myself blossom in the years to come.