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Google Doodles

The founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, created the first Google Doodle in honor of the Burning Man Festival of 1998. Since then, as recognized dates come and go, Google Doodles are certainly an anticipated festivity.

Jan. 1, 2018:

Google commemorates the start of 2018 with the visual of cartoon penguins celebrating the holidays. No one can say that the illustrations’ personification isn’t just adorable.

Feb. 6, 2018:

The Google Doodle for Feb. 6 doubles as both Valentine Day and the sixth day of the Google Doodle snow games. The moving picture of two lovebirds ice skating effectively readies you for the romance scene and the continuing of PyeongChang 2018 Olympics Winter Games.

Mar. 8, 2018:

The doodle for International Women’s Day is designed to tell stories.

From the representation of transgenders to the efforts of motherhood, 12 artists with diverse origins depict their personal experiences of women through lovely imagery.


Apr. 3, 2018:

Nazia Hassan’s 53 birthday is shown utilizing a beautiful color scheme as the Pakistani singer is spotlighted in pink and blue lights. Hassan appreciated her popularity over South and Southeast Asia and has been commonly known as the Queen of Pop in South Asia.


May 29, 2018:

Google celebrates S.P.L. Sørensen, valued for introducing the concept of pH which is a scale for measuring acidity and alkalinity. This doodle allows you to play a game where the player directs where the items go according to the pH scale.


June 17, 2018:

Father’s Day is certainly a heartfelt holiday, which is beautifully captured through the hand paintings of what is assumed a father and his child. Using the childishness of dinosaurs the Google logo is spelled out.


July 2, 2018:

The drawings with differing art styles indicate how certain settings look in various countries as the World Cup pursues on day 18.


Aug. 1, 2018:

The vintage vibes that this doodle gives is very attractive to the eye. Google proceeds to acknowledge Gerda Taro’s 108 birthday. Taro is a photographer who is considered to be the first female journalist in the world to cover the front lines of conflict.

Sept. 21, 2018:

Mister Rogers is respected for his entertaining children series: Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood with a YouTube video. The animation really fuels nostalgic feelings.


Oct. 30, 2018:

Halloween of 2018 features a Google Doodle game where you battle online, trying to achieve the mission of obtaining ghosts.


Nov. 22, 2018:

As many would feast on turkey and stuffing, Google draws an endearing family of mice eating cheese on Thanksgiving.


Dec. 10, 2018:

As 2018 concludes, Google pictures Clarice Lispector’s 98 birthday. Lispector is a Brazilian author acclaimed universally for her imaginative books and short stories. Google’s artistic collage portrays her life contributions.

Google Doodles expresses the celebration of birthdays and holidays alike by incorporating the talents of artistry. This daily content is always an enjoyment for viewers. What were some of your favorite Google Doodles of 2018?



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