The Voice of Wakefield High School


2017 was full of many rich content in social media. Memes taking over, food blogs stronger than ever, photography continuing to amaze us with their beautiful shots of the world. However, even with so many amazing accounts, there is still one particular account that, in my opinion, stood out the most. That account is @dametraveler on Instagram, a profile created by Nastasia Yakoub, who is a former nurse turned full-time traveler, entrepreneur and photographer with an ambition to inspire and empower women.

Her whole account revolves around inspiring women to travel, act on what they dream of, and motivate fellow dametravelers to send her pictures of their adventures all over the world. Yakoub receives a great number of photos from various destinations every day but takes choosing which ones will be posted to her account very seriously. Dame Traveler has been featured in the Washington Post, Travel Channel, AFAR, Travel & Leisure, VOGUE and Forbes Travel not only because of the beautiful pictures but due to the strong, motivational message that it promotes.

She also has a carefully, well-arranged website with the same name that exhibits articles ranging from “What to pack” to articles about unique and interesting destinations. Dame Traveler is all about “exemplifying strength, fearlessness and courage” with great empowering content, which is why it is my pick for Best Social Media Account of 2017.

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