24-year-old Johannes Jaruraak is a drag queen from Berlin, Germany known for her distorted makeup persona, Hungry, who catches the eye of everyone, whether on Instagram or in person. She currently has 18,000 followers on Instagram and is constantly booked worldwide.
Drag is Hungry’s life and to her, it’s not easy work, but she loves it all the same, according to the Tab. She started drag in 2014 and then and explains her specific drag as a reality that could have been a beautiful nonsensical dream. After her first few years of drag she realized she didn’t have to be a pretty queen but a queen with her own unique style. By taking her time and getting to know her face, she could make anatomical shapes that have never been seen before. 24-year-old Johannes Jaruraak has grown in the past year through social media and international performances. Her high quality editorialized makeup consists of enlarged eyes, bone thinned noses and colorful lips. Hungry creates all of her clothing and gets inspiration from anatomy, moths, and nature to make its ethereal shapes. She describes her drag as being therapeutic, first it was used as a coping mechanism, but now it is an outlet for her creativity; her own way of changing the world.