The Voice of Wakefield High School


One of the social media accounts that got me through 2017 was @thedogist on Instagram. Similar to the extremely popular @humansofny account, @thedogist highlights dogs from around the country. Each post includes the name, age, and a little blurb about the dog, or dogs, pictured. As a dog lover, this account is always so fun to scroll through! It showcases a variety of dog breeds and the photographs do a great job of conveying each dog’s personality in a unique way.

The account is that they promote adoption of animals instead of buying animals from breeders by including posts about rescue animals, which is something that I’m really passionate about. The account owner even goes as far as tagging rescue organizations, so followers can easily find places to either adopt animals from or donate to. Both of my dogs are rescues so it’s nice to see other mutts and adopted dogs on a well-known account instead of a purebred dog from a breeder.

@thedogist is my favorite account of 2017 because of its advocacy for animals in need, its positivity, and its overall cuteness. @thedogist is the perfect account to follow if you love animals and are looking for something new when scrolling through your Instagram feed!

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