The Voice of Wakefield High School

Alix Earle

With gaining more than 1.7 million followers in a month on TikTok, Alix Earle has taken the world by storm; from white eyeliner to boy troubles in the MLB, Earle has grabbed the attention of nearly every person on social media. Her rise to fame came from her widely popular get-ready-with-me videos, as she records her routine before she goes out on the town. Her hair, makeup and outfits have inspired a new generation of fashion and she is continuing to inspire new styles and future trends. 

22-year-old Earle is not only a rising social media influencer but also a student at the University of Miami. Earle’s way of being unapologetically herself in her videos and not being afraid to be open on the internet led to her rise to fame. Her struggle with acne and willingness to talk about her plastic surgery not only contributed to her success but made her one of the most trustworthy influencers on the internet.

Alix Earle’s relationship with MLB star, Tyler Wade, has recently ended and the expected backlash towards Earle was quite the opposite. From even having her name mentioned on ESPN, her breakup seemed to increase her popularity on multiple platforms. 

When any fashion issue arises, just remember: what would Alix Earle do?

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