The coming-of-age show, “Heartstopper,” has captivated the hearts of many young people throughout this year and continues to have success. The show has the well-known Nick Nelson and Charlie Spring from the queer author, Alice Oseman, and her best-selling graphic novel series. The show has inspired people to be themselves and has been a great representation of queer relationships for other shows to take inspiration from.
The show is about Charlie Spring, an openly gay, highly-strung, overthinker, who is in Year 10. He meets a ‘straight’ boy named Nick Nelson and instantly falls, but his friends protest his crush. Charlie only falls for him more when he joins the same rugby team as Nick. As they grow closer, they start to become the best of friends. Charlie is still holding out for Nick, but as their friendship grows, Nick starts to realize that he may not just like Charlie as a friend. Maybe it could be something more.
This is one of my favorite shows I’ve seen because of the endless amount of charming scenes that it has that makes me want to watch it again and again. It has deep themes of love, friendship and loyalty while also inspiring young people of the LGBTQ+ community to not hide themselves from anyone.
“Don’t let anyone make you disappear Charlie,” Mr. Ajayi said, a teacher in the show.
This show has broken so many barriers in TV and continues to do so with its upcoming season. I believe that this is the best show of 2022 because of its endless love by viewers and the amazing encouragement it gives them.