The Voice of Wakefield High School

photo by allie chiu

Allie Chiu

Allie Chiu

"Enjoy the best things in ur life, 'cause you ain't gonna live it twice. They say you waste time asleep, but I'm just trying to dream." -Mac Miller

When I first walked into Wakefield I thought I was so grown up being able to say I was finally in high school. My dream always was to live my teenage years to the fullest and make memories that would last forever. Since the senior year is coming to an end, it’s been emotional looking back at my younger self and thinking this is the year I have been waiting for, the year I get to move away from home and become independent.

I made so many memories throughout high school in a special classroom located at the end of the hallway on the second floor. The newspaper room always felt like a safe environment where I could express myself. Out of 32 classes, I have taken newspaper six times. Mrs. Tekotte has felt like a parent to me, she has been my teacher, and guide since sophomore year. She has seen me from going through the most complicated breakup to the day I got accepted into my favorite college. I had learned to express myself on paper which has helped me define my emotions. Before newspaper, I had a hard time writing and grammar was a struggle for me. Now writing is one of my favorite activities and I love sharing my work. I appreciate everyone who has helped me on the way to graduation. Everyone who joined newspaper this year are some of the most interesting and nicest people I have ever met.

I felt like this journey would last forever, it’s so hard seeing myself moving away from Wakefield and starting my own life. High school has been a blessing in disguise, in the moment I wanted to leave as fast as I could. With only a week left, I realize I never wish to high school to end. It’s crazy to think that I won’t ever see some of the people I’ve seen for eight years straight. For the next chapter of my life, I will use everything I have learned to continue to be the best person I can be. Thank you, Mrs.Tekotte for seeing potential in me, you gave me the confidence and motivation I needed to help myself grow.

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