Sienna Mae
In today’s society, young teenage girls are shown what a “normal” body looks like through media exposure. Kim Kardashian, Virginia Gallardo, and Kylie Jenner are all Instagram models who constantly show off their bodies, their bodies that aren’t “normal” at all.
Social media has become one of the easiest ways to stay in touch and access pictures in the 21st century. However, these images displayed on various social platforms contribute to unrealistic expectations in young women that in turn may cause unhealthy eating habits and disorders. These high-status figures that adolescents are so stunned by have gotten surgeries and fillers throughout their lifetime — the procedures often ignored when looking at a model’s picture.
In 2020, Sienna Mae, now a plus-size Tik Tok creator known internationally, made her first video to “blow up” displaying body positivity and that extra weight is, in fact, normal. Since her first famous video, she hit one million followers not even two weeks later. Her fans love her confidence, body positivity, and her constant encouragement to her fans.
Posted a few videos after her first one was an “all about confidence” video, giving her fans pointers on how to stay confident, even when you feel otherwise. Helpful tips included knowing that not caring what others think about you will benefit you greatly and no one is thinking about you as much as you truly think they are.
She encouraged healthy eating behaviors towards her fans and her comments would often be filled with “Sienna, you helped me to eat today” or “I’ve learned that my weight is OK because of you.”
Video after video went viral until she had millions of followers on numerous social media platforms. Today, she continues to spread body positivity to young women around the world through social media, in-person meet-and-greets, and even on other celebrity channels. Sienna Mae was here when these anxious young women needed her the most, and she’s not backing down.