The Voice of Wakefield High School

Britney Spears

One of the most known pop stars Britney Spears has been freed from her Concervership. Ms. Spears has been out of control of her financial duties since she dealt with substance abuse in 2008. In 2014, she began to explore removing her father’s name as conservator due to claims of her father’s “drinking problem”. Ever since then she has been fighting with getting her 60 million dollar fortune back repeatedly telling the judge how badly her father treats her.

Mr. Spears’ father manipulated both the judge and Ms. Spears, with his lawyer saying,

 “Britney knows that her Daddy loves her and that he will be there for her whenever and if she needs him, just as he always has been — conservatorship or not.”

Ms. Spears reported how her father was completely obsessed with her and wanted control in everything she did including who she was dating or what she ate that day. As a 40-year-old woman, she must have felt stuck and unable to live her own life with her father to always tell her what to do. She was limited to a $2,000 weekly allowance, even though she made all the money herself. If she behaved against her father’s rules she would have very harsh punishments.

What some people don’t understand or never hear about is how Ms. Spears’ father treated her all of her youth. Mr. Spears has been arrested for drug and alcohol issues, killed a football player in a car crash and had his mom commit suicide when he was 13.  It’s not hard to understand why her father wants to keep her close. Maybe it’s because of how he doesn’t want her to turn out how he did, or he wanted to keep her close. 

The different sides of the story always makes it hard to connect all the pieces but I believe everyone should have equal rights and Ms. Spears deserves her freedom. November 5, 2021, Ms. Spears finally got all her financial and personal life back. Her fans have always been so loyal with sharing the phrase, “Free Britney”. 

How do you feel about this? Do you believe her dad meant all good things or do you think she was being abused?

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