The Voice of Wakefield High School

Photo by Allie Chiu


 All responses come from Brooke Carter, Advisor of FCCLA Brooke Carter, Advisor of FCCLA

Q: What does this stand for?

A: Family Career Community Leaders of America

Q: What do we do?

A: We work together to better care for and run the community. We also prepare the youth for a better run and educated future. We work to assist specific career choices!

Q: President of FCCLA

A: Katie Wakefield 

Q: Requirements to be accepted

A: You need to have taken an FCS class in the past or currently taking it or signed up to take it in the spring. FCS classes include hospitality, apparel, interior design, culinary/foods, child development, parenting, personal finance, exploring life skills, etc.

Q: How much are dues? 

A: 25$ (including national dues, state dues, and club T-shirts) dues can only be paid online this year.

 Q: How to apply?



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