Gone Girl written by Gillian Flynn tells a rather disturbing tale of the disappearance of one Amy Dunne, and the backlash and blame her husband, Nick Dunne, receives.
The delicious and talented Ben Affleck portrays the role of Nick Dunne. He truly hits the nail on the head in terms of acting. Another great source of eye candy, Neil Patrick Harris in the role of Desi. NPH was the the best cast actor. He captured the naive almost obsessive quality that was crucial to Desi. Rosamunda Pike deserves an Academy Award for her portrayal of Amy Dunne. She was twisted and raw. Overall, the cast blew me away.
Many times in novel-to-screen adaptations, films lose some integrity because they cannot fit all the details. For the most part this movie stays true to the book only leaving out a few minor details for times sake. One of the most upsetting differences was that of the lawyer, Tanner Bolt. The book was a white male who dressed in bright colored suits and was married to an esteemed black talk show host turned lawyer. Somehow through the process of creating the film the creators sort of merged the lawyer and his wife to make, the one, the only, Tyler Perry. I did not and do not get it for I had trouble taking him seriously. One element lacking in the book was the ending and it was even more vague and disappointing in the movie.
Even though I knew what was going to happen, I still found myself hanging in suspense during the whole film. While I do not recommend this movie for a date night, it is a must see. If you have an actual interest in the story, read the book. This book, like most novel to screen adaptations, tells a much more detailed story.