Jordan McIntyre
Traveling abroad is extremely beneficial when necessary precautions are taken. It can lead to personal growth, confidence and communication skills for those who step outside of their comfort zones.
Going on exotic adventures, exploring foreign destinations and experiencing diverse cultures is a dream for many people. Yet, global crises and ever-changing international affairs can make prospective travelers question whether venturing abroad is actually safe.
Unstable politics, natural disasters, health concerns and social instability pose risks to travelers as they can make trips unsafe or dangerously unpredictable, preventing many people from traveling. It is critical to realize that there are risks that lie in exploring different places, but the exploration opportunities far outweigh them. The nature of traveling abroad can be daunting, but that shouldn’t make prospective explorers overlook the wide range of opportunities available to those who venture outside of their comfort zone.
Despite the uncertainties, the rewards of traveling are increased personal growth, confidence, independence and more engagement between people of different backgrounds and cultures. Simple acts such as sharing food, conversations and participating in events with locals can help open new doors and break down cultural barriers.
I recently traveled to Mexico, and although I was warned to “watch out” and “be careful,” I have never been to a more beautiful place with nicer people. I was also fortunate enough to delve deeper into Mexico’s culture by trying new foods and talking to locals who were excited to help me with my Spanish language skills. It is easy to judge a city when only discouraging information about the area is released to the public, so deeper research is crucial to know where to go and visit.
One of the best ways to determine whether a place is safe to visit is to check State Department Advisories. This government-run website is a simple way to learn more about a destination before visiting. From detailed information about recent events in the area to healthcare facilities, vaccination requirements and local laws, nearly everything you need to know about a vacation destination can be easily accessed.
Many people might view the preparation before traveling as stressful. Yet, it has the ability to provide an escape from reality that cannot be found elsewhere. Whether it’s a tropical vacation or a weekend getaway, planning a vacation can be extremely helpful for an individual’s mental health and will allow them to have the freedom to rest or go on exciting adventures.
Although traveling is incredibly beneficial to the traveler, it also plays a vital role in the economy of many cities. Traveling creates jobs, develops infrastructures and boosts revenue in communities all across the globe. In the United States alone, the tourism industry generates about 1.9 trillion dollars in economic activity each year, making it critical for many communities that rely on that revenue for their citizens’ livelihood.
Although the question of whether to travel abroad cannot be answered the same way for everyone, careful planning and research can prevent problems from occurring and help anyone interested in navigating global travel. No experience is the same as exploring new destinations and although it can be scary to travel elsewhere, it is worth it to experience new cultures, traditions and meet new people.