In Disney movies, high school is implied as a place with lockers and freedom. However, these last few years it hasn’t been the case. Sarah Reilly started her freshman year during online learning, and it was very difficult for her to approach the beginning of high school.
“It made me realize how much I had originally taken for granted,” said Reilly. “I was separated from face-to-face human interaction, only to be put in an isolated environment communicating through a screen.”
Reilly came back to school like most of her classmates the next year. She was able to socialize more among her peers and it was better than before. Now, Reilly is in her junior year and she says this year is the most hectic one she’s had.
“They say junior year is the hardest and the one that really counts. Academically, it hasn’t been absolutely terrible, but since joining the yearbook I do enjoy it,” said Reilly.
Despite the crazy ups and downs of her high school career, being around friends, being on the yearbook staff and being able to leave her house has made her embrace the school even more.
“It’s an experience that I would recommend to anyone willing to listen,” said Reilly. “Your high school years are something you’ll never forget.”